Perception, vibrations, sensitivity. The bow intended as a mediator, as the missing link, as a junction point between the musician's inspiration and the resonance of the instrument.
A bow conducts, transmits and transforms a profound feeling, which is subsequently translated and amplified, sealed in a marriage capable of generating that magical sound that we know as Music.
It was the Tourte family who laid the foundations of this noble art, reaching its peak close to the 18th century. It is only through the knowledge of the past, the technical grasp and the stylistic awareness, that we have been able over time to develop new and personal concepts, without however giving up tradition.
The bow is intended as the fusion between the artistic beauty of the object and the mechanical functionality of its application. A link that stimulates bokd, sometimes extreme, yet necessary choices.
The frog and the button are the most interesting elements of the construction process, for they are made of tiny parts that require a very high level of manuality and attention to detail. Pernambuco wood powders, instead, vary in relation to the species, the minerality of the soil in which the tree grows and its geographical position, and they always inebriate the workshop with their fragrance.
For modern bows our choices fall on the compact Pernambuco wood from Natal or Recife in Brazil, while for Baroque bows we prefer snakewood and ironwood. You just need a literal "blow of the wand", striking the stick on the floor, to recognize all the potential strenghts or limits of the future bow. The highly variable material has a tendency to download sounds that tend upwards, while the more compact woods facilitate a rounded and softer emission. The secrets of the ancient bows? The curing of the material that allows the production of pure harmonic sounds, without interference due to the presence of water or cells that are not completely sclerotic.